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ROKH Sàrl currently operates at 94% success rate on projects.


Corporate Investigations

General Investigations

Uncover monopolies, unethical practices or misconduct orchestrated by your competitors and level the playing field. Includes anti-corruption investigations.

Fraud Investigations & Financial Crimes

Identify and collect hard evidence of fraudulent activity, including embezzlement, insider trading, market abuse and money-laundering. Pierce the corporate veil and secure your business environment.

Global Asset Trace

Recover stolen or misappropriated funds, and identify the assets of a target anywhere in the world, including property, bank accounts, investments, vehicles and related companies.

Altruistic Investigations

Investigate humanitarian and environmental causes and expose any criminal activity, helping the world become a better, safer place. Upon request, ROKH publicly credit our brave clients through online publications, leading to positive media exposure and references – because one good deed deserves another.

Private Investigations

Physical Surveillance

Keep a watchful eye on a person of interest. A powerful tool in cases of Infidelity, Child Custody proceedings, suspicions of Drug Use, Fraudulent Insurance or Employee Benefit Claims, and much more.

Serving Documents

Identify targets and serve court documents or summons anywhere in the world, and see that justice is done across borders and jurisdictions.

Missing Persons Cases

Pick up the trace of a missing colleague, friend or loved one, and regain peace of mind.

Divorce Proceedings (Asset Trace)

Identify property, bank accounts, investments, trusts, and all manner of hidden assets during divorce proceedings, ensuring fairness and transparency, and your lasting financial security.

Intelligence Gathering

Intelligence Gathering

Knowledge is power. Utilising our resources and experience, we collect information relevant to a specific project or goal. This could be developing a network in a new market or country, identifying strategic partners or competitive intelligence.

Counter-Intelligence (CI)

Get ahead of the game. Counter-Intelligence sets up a proprietary intelligence gathering system that can identify and help pre-empt threats and concerns before they become a liability. CI measures are a critical addition to physical and cyber security systems, helping you to adapt, rather than simply react.

Digital Reputation Analysis (DRA)

Manage your Digital Footprint. We analyse each result on Google relating to your individual or company identity, and proceed to use a proprietary rating system to identify your digital reputation. Used regularly, the DRA helps you control and shape the narrative surrounding your or your company’s image.

© 2025 ROKH Sàrl. All Rights Reserved.



Calliopée Business Centre

Rue de Chantepoulet 10

1201 Geneva



t +41 22 758 00 50 (English or French Reception)


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